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Guide to Every City: Steve McCracker Presents

Référence 00312
En stock : 10 article(s)
Détails du produit

Writer: Efe Levent

Artist: Alaa Alhassoun

Guide to Every City is a guide for a fictional city inhabited by insects. The three different species of insect in Ever City: hopsters, sloggers, and buzzies live segregated lives in their isolated neighbourhoods. The book not only presents a commentary on social divisions within urban life it also satirises orientalism in contemporary travel writing. The fictional author of the guide -Steve McCracker- is a thoroughly unrelatable hipster who genuinely believes that the rest of the world did not exist until he "discovered" it for some overdesigned travel magazine. You will laugh you will cringe, in the words of Steve: you will "never be the same again."
After what seems like an eternity of crawling, we finally arrive at the temple. It is magnificent! just as I imagined it. The interior is vast and quiet. I feel a deep sense of communion with the place. The air you breathe within these walls is thick with centuries of civilisation. The gravity of history contrasts with the feeling of weightlessness I experience under the giant dome of the temple. The way Every City keeps throwing contrast after contrast with such unrelenting consistency, is almost surreal. I can’t help but think that this city has been built specifically for travel writers to narrate ostentatious metaphors;

Mangal Media
2nd ed. edition (19 February 2021)
68 pages

Efe Levent

Anthropologist- Founder/Editor at Mangal Media
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Guide to Every City: Steve McCracker Presents

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