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Luxe Noir : Issue 2

Référence 00189
En stock : 4 article(s)
Détails du produit

Luxe Noir is a biannual magazine dedicated to promoting contemporary African art, design and travel. Produced in Johannesburg, South Africa, our magazine celebrates the wealth of creativity, diverse traditions and the rich cultural resonance of artistic expressions from the African continent and her vast diaspora.

We work collaboratively with a network of creative individuals on the continent and elsewhere, in order to bring you interesting features on dynamic African brands, awe-inspiring craftsmen, personalities and enterprises, all making their mark on their communities and the world. We are an inclusive platform and strive to bring into focus a variety of perspectives and experiences.

Our magazine entertains and educates, but most importantly, it adds a fresh African perspective to the world of creative publications. In so doing, we hope to cultivate a richer, more diverse narrative on African art, design and travel.

Come with us, as we begin what will be a captivating journey.

-Aiwekhoe Iyahen | Editor-in-Chief and Founder of Luxe Noir Magazine


In the latest issue of our magazine we explore the theme 'Material & Meaning' - using this as a pathway to interrogate ideas around materiality in the work of a select number of artists and designers. We feature 20 in-depth articles that take you on a captivating multi-sensory journey around the continent, from food to design, travel, art and architecture. Here's a sample of what's on offer:"

  • On Labour Capital and Material: A conversation with the artist Ibrahim Mahama.
  • The Expressive Rubber Sculptures of Patrick Bongoy
  • Naija Nyam: A look at Nigerian Food
  • Reconnecting with Heritage: Nūr Ceramics
  • Home is Where the Heart Is: A Journey through Mauritania
  • Our Soul is in this Land: Lesotho, the Kingdom in the Sky
  • A photoessay on Mauritanian Camel Herdsmen
  • When Traditional Building Techniques meet Contemporary Design: Examining contemporary mud architecture in Senegal

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Luxe Noir : Issue 2

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